Calculadora Salarial GT

by Robotto



This app aims to support the user when performing the following calculations:-Calculation of full and proportional compensation.-Calculation of full or proportional Bonus.-Calculation of full or proportional vacation.-Calculation of Bonus 14 full or proportional.-Calculation of IGSS.-Calculation of IRTRA.-Calculation of Rent.-Calculation of biweekly or monthly net salary.For the bonus and bonus 14, the app calculates based on the following cut-off dates:>Christmas bonus: considers the calculation of days between December 1 of the previous year and November 30 of the year in which the bonus would have to be paid or the calculation date that is entered.>Bono 14: considers the calculation of days between July 1 of the previous year and June 30 of the year in which bonus 14 would have to be paid or the calculation date entered.Considering the minimum wages in force in 2022